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Data Protection

We support our clients in the process of adapting and / or maintaining compliance of their businesses with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the European Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC, known as GDPR, which came into force in Poland on 25 May 2018.


  • Adapting to GDPR requirements, including audits of personal data processing for compliance with the provisions on the protection of personal data, preparation of documentation on personal data processing and any documents, templates, clauses, policies or procedures necessary to fulfil the obligations arising from the provisions on personal data protection, as well as advice on the implementation of the audit’s recommendations within the organization.
  • Ongoing legal advice on personal data protection, including:
    • Analysis of new and current business processes in terms of compliance with the requirements of personal data protection regulations;
    • Preparation of procedures, documents and agreements necessary to meet the obligations arising from the provisions on personal data protection;
    • Assistance in examining applications of persons whose data is processed and in exercising their rights as granted in the GDPR; and
    • Assessing whether a breach of personal data protection is subject to notification to the President of the Personal Data Protection Office (PDPO) and providing opinions on agreements entrusting personal data processing.
  • Outsourcing of the DPO function.
  • Advising on proceedings before the PDPO, Provincial Administrative Courts and the Supreme Administrative Court.
  • Trainings on personal data protection


JSW Capital Group

Adaptation to the requirements of the GDPR of 13 companies of the JSW Capital Group (Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A. / JSW Innowacje S.A. / Centralne Laboratorium Pomiarowo-Badawcze sp. z o.o. / Jastrzębskie Zakłady Remontowe Sp. z o.o. / JSW KOKS S.A. / Jastrzębska Spółka Kolejowa sp. z o.o. / JSU sp. z o.o. / Przedsiębiorstwo Gospodarki Wodnej i Rekultywacji S.A. / JSW Shipping sp. z o.o. / JSW Logistics Sp. z o.o. / JSW Szkolenie i Górnictwo sp. z o.o. / JSW Ochrona sp. z o.o. / ADVICOM sp. z o.o.), one of the largest producers of coking coal in the EU, employing more than 25,000 people.

Case study

Volkswagen Poznań Sp. z o.o.

Adaptation to the requirements of and providing ongoing legal support in the field of personal data protection for Volkswagen Poznań Sp. z o.o. – a car manufacturer employing over 10,000 people belonging to the Volkswagen AG Group.

Case study

Energa S.A.

Analysis of internal GDPR documentation prepared by GK Energa.

Case study

Tauron Polska Energia S.A.

Training for the legal department of the company on the requirements of the GDPR.

Case study

Arteria Group

Adaptation to the requirements of the GDPR and providing ongoing legal support on personal data protection for 11 companies of the Capital Group (Arteria Contact Center Sp. z o.o. / Polymus Sp. z o.o. / Arteria Document Solutions Sp. z o.o. / Trimtab Arteria Management Sp. z o.o. Sp.k. /Arteria S.A. / BPO Management Sp zo.o. / Gallup Arteria Management Sp. z o.o. Sp.k / Sellpoint Sp. z o.o / Brave Agency Sp zoo, Arteria Logistics Sp.z o.o. / BC Partner Sp z o.o.), operating in the market of outsourcing sales support processes, including telemarketing.

Case study

4fun Media Group

Adaptation to the requirements of the GDPR and providing ongoing legal support for companies of the 4FUN MEDIA Capital Group (4fun Media S.A. / Bridge2Fun Sp. z o.o. / Cupsell Sp. z o.o. / Screen Network S.A.).

Case study

Murapol Group

Adaptation to the requirements of the GDPR and providing ongoing legal support on personal data protection for companies of the Capital Group (Murapol S.A. / WHIZZ S.A. / Abadon Real Estate S.A. / Home Credit Group Sp. z o.o. / Major Facility Management Sp. z o.o. / Murapol Architects Drive sp. z o.o. / Cross Bus Sp. z o.o. / Murapol Centrum Usług Wspólnych Sp. z o.o. / Partner S.A.), a leader in the Polish property development market.

Case study

Stopklatka S.A. (Agora Group)

Ongoing legal support for the broadcaster of the film and series channel Stopklatka TV during the process of adaptation to the requirements of the GDPR and providing opinions on the instructions submitted to the client by the Agora Group.

Case study

LOT Polish Airlines

Support in implementation of the comprehensive documentation and strategy for personal data protection for Polish flag carrier airline, Polskie Linie Lotnicze „LOT” S.A.

Case study

Training Company

Preparation of RODO documentation for a Polish company, the branch of a multinational German company dealing with the organisation of the trainings and publication of materials regarding fire safety.

Case study


Our firm consists of lawyers, tax experts and support staff specialising in a range of key practice areas and industry sectors, and located in three offices in Poland.

Roman Iwański

Partner Warsaw

Paulina Wyrostek

Counsel Krakow

Luiza Wyrębkowska

Counsel Warsaw

Jakub Przybyliński

Associate Warsaw

Małgorzata Tomaka

Associate Katowice

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